CASE ASAP District 2 Honors
Awarded in each district, the  highlight the achievements of an individual student, adviser program or outstanding organization. The awards are presented annually at each of the eight CASE ASAP district conferences.
Outstanding Student Leader
Telena Smith
Outstanding Organization
Daemen University Student Alumni Ambassadors
Outstanding Student Leader
Outstanding Student Advancement Program
Student Alumni Ambassador Recruitment
Outstanding Student Leader
Outstanding Student Leader
Outstanding AdviserÂ
Kathryn Hammer
Outstanding Philanthropy Program
Outstanding Organization
Daemen University Student Alumni Ambassadors
Outstanding Student Leader
Hannah Marvin
Outstanding Internal Program
The Top Chef Challenge
Outstanding Tried & True
The Surprise Dessert Delivery Program
Outstanding Student Leader
Kyle Backal
Outstanding External Program
Tradition Keepers: 50 Things to do Before You Graduate
Outstanding Student Leader
Megan Conley
Outstanding Student Leader
Sarah Hartman
WNYÂ Student Leadership Conference
The WNY Student Leadership Conference is an annual leadership conference that rotates among universities and colleges in WNY.
Outstanding Organization Award
The inaugural award was given to the Student Alumni Ambassador program.
The Michael G. Patane/Andrew C. Wheeler AwardÂ
Named in honor of two of the founding members of the Student Alumni Ambassadors, the Patane/ Wheeler award is the highest honor and presented to a graduating ambassador who has provided outstanding leadership throughout their time in the organization.Â
2003Â Andrew Wheeler
2004Â Michael Patane
2005Â Lauren Metzger
2007Â Lisa Covey
2008 Ashley Sisson
2009 Laura Becker/ Sarah Beth Pilch
2010Â Hillary Anderson/Â Melissa Lochner
2011Â Kyle Backal
2012 Sarah Hartman/ Lindsay Miller
2013 Megan Conley/ Anna Jaremko
2014 Brittany Jensen
2015 Hannah Marvin
2016 Mariah Burkhard
2017 Lindsey Kreuzer
2018 Jesse Redfern
2019 Marisa Hanlon
2020 Madalyn Bufalino
2021Â Telena Smith
2022 Natalie Menz
The Sarah N. Hartman Outstanding Student Leadership AwardÂ
Named in honor of the Student Alumni Ambassador who received a CASE ASAP district honor, the award is presented to a non-graduating ambassador who has provided outstanding leadership for the organization, and has demonstrated respect for the goals and ideals of the student alumni ambassador program, the alumni relations program and °®ÓÈÎï.Â
2013 Hannah Marvin
2014 Christopher Ponichtera
2015 Lindsey Kreuzer
2016 Nicholas Parkolap
2017 Jesse Redfern
2018 Marisa Hanlon
2019 Telena Smith
2020 Jennifer Heritz
2021 Natalie Menz
2022 Michelina Ricotta
2023 Catherine Robarge